Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Windows 7 commercial (ponies and unicorns... Football:)
this is the windows 7 commericials and thiey are funny at least to me (i will never the word cute) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssOq02DTTMU and ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6adgIJE8YQ
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
opps (again)
my fault i never think about posting often anymore i just am not on the computer that often so i was wondering about all my blogs i forgot about and how much ive negleted them on monday while i was watching Brett Favre beating down his old team the stink cheese head green bay packers and by the way the cowboys are no more Americas team its the SAINTS :) :) ps. u stink J-E-T-S and stinky sanchez :oP
Thursday, June 25, 2009
three things happend this week
Shaquille O'Neal was traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers now he can win a Championchip because each time he won he won with a superstar 3 with Kobe Bryant and 1 with Dwayne Wade now they all won their first titles with him now he has LeBron James who's never won a final hes only appeared once in 05-06 season. LSU won the College world series against Texas Wednesday 2 games to 1 (LSU!! LSU!! LSU!!) LSU is now tied with Texas for the second most College World Series Titles with 6 titles. and my computer's internet wouldn't work so I couldn't post on my blog and when it was working my nieces were on it almost all my time that I had during the day.
Friday, June 19, 2009
When It's time to get a new computer
You know when it's time to get a new computer when you cant download a game that's 7 years old and your computer is 9 years old. I downloaded a typing program for me and my nieces (ones that are old enough to understand what typing is :} i also downloaded it for myself because I never wanted to learn typing when I was 7, I always knew where to put my fingers I just couldn't do it fast enough.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
New Pool today
We got a very small pool today mostly for my nieces though but it was very hot so I decided to swallow my pride of thinking that it was too little for me to swim in (because it's 2 foot by 8 feet) but it was just enough to lay back in and enjoy 5 minutes to myself nice and quiet and cool because it was 97 degrees today and it was great (I actually spent 10 minutes in it but 5 minutes my nieces were splashing me for 5 min) but it was good anyways.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kobe Bryant wins first NBA finals without Shaquille O'Neal
Kobe Bryant and the L.A. Lakers won 99-86 and the NBA finals series 4 games to 1 and against the Orlando Magic (who I was hoping would win) but there were a couple of other milestones that were set during this win a couple they are 1. Coach Phill Jackson got his 10th NBA finals win which set the NBA record beating Red Auerbach for the most championchip wins 2. The L.A. Lakers set an NBA record with 31 NBA finals apperances and 15 finals wins, and 3. Kobe Bryant won his first NBA title without Shaquille O'Neal and first scince 2002. the Lakers also appeared in the Finals last year but lost to the Boston Celtics. Kobe Bryant won his 4th Finals title and 4th Finals MVP
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
sorry i havn't posted in a long time i was helping my brother move
sorry i havn't posted in a long time i was helping my brother move he lives 18 miles south of Memphis Tennesee and he lived in hernando Mississippi. im on a different computor and i don't have any pictures to post or information but jus that we succecesfully moved them down without any problems because the last time we moved them up there in 2007 we had a uhal truck and it was older and wasn't repaird in a while so when we were in Jackson Mississippi (about 2 1/2 hours away from here) it started to lean over to the left side of the truck and it was litteraly almost falling the entire way so eventually we had to pull over in a smalll town called Saratobia Mississippi about 20 miles from hernando Mississippi when we turned onto the highway and thats why we used penske this time 1. its's cheper 2. it's newer 3. it's longer but shorter in hight by 2 feet but the sealant on the door wasn't flat to the door sit had a 5 cm space between it and the door.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dwight Howards obsession with cartoons
Dwight Howard was on ESPN about a year ago in August during the olmpics and i saw a replay of it on ESPN today and they were talking about how Dwight Howard's like (obsession) with cartoons when he said that his favorite movie was the 2004 Disney movie "Finding Nemo" and his favorite carachter was (an air headed blue fish who helped find the son of clown fish named Marlin in the movie) and that's pretty much all that he watches on friday nights when he's not in a game or at practice
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Player has a sweet tooth that helps him get a double double (thats ten + points and ten + rebounds for those who dont know baskeball terminology

In an essay titled "Lamar Odom, Sweet Tooth and Erratic Play" — I swear to you I'm not making this up — Dr. Daniel Amen writes that Odom's massive consumption of candy leads to a sugar high and then a crash, evidence that explains his inconsistent on-court play.
Amen's "diagnosis," via the Los Angeles Times:
"Odom freely confesses that he just can't help himself when it comes to the sweet stuff and always keeps a stash on hand of Gummi Bears, Honey Buns, Lifesavers, Hershey's white chocolate, Snickers bars, cookies and more. He eats the sugary snacks morning, noon and night, and even says he sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, chows down on some treats, then falls back asleep.
This is bad news for the Lakers. I've been telling my patients for years that sugar acts like a drug in the brain. It causes blood sugar levels to spike and then crash, leaving you feeling tired, irritable, foggy and stupid. Eating too much sugar impairs cognitive function, which may explain why Odom doesn't always make the smartest decisions on the court ..."
Odom, of course, had a vaild rebuttal: The games he played well in the Western Conference finals had something in common — "I ate candy for breakfast," he told reporters. You see, Now and Laters, Starburst Jelly Beans ... these were the reasons for The Candy Man's increased production against Denver. So back off, Phil Jackson! I say free pizza and candy for everyone! Am I right! by ball dont lie creator J.E Skeets on yahoo.com
JMAn Video 2.0
I't took us 5 minutes to take out the.....mmmmmmmmm...........toilet..
It was at 11 pm so nobody saw but I was wearing a black cover over my body under my neck and a shirt over my face so you coudn't see me and there were 5 cars.
It was at 11 pm so nobody saw but I was wearing a black cover over my body under my neck and a shirt over my face so you coudn't see me and there were 5 cars.
I took our mmmm... toilet...mmm... Out to the street last night...... But there's three more that I have...of the... mmmmmm....toilet...
two more of the..mmmm...toilet...
1 more video
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Who Dats are Alive Again then their dead again
Saints fans rejoice because we are close to signing our 1st round pick Miricle worker of interceptions fly like a butterfly sting like a bee MALCOM JENKINS!!! BUT!!!! Our two great overpaid defensive ends Charles grant and Will Smith (NOT THE OVERPAID ACTOR) will be suspended for taking a weight loss pill for four games and we are projected to go 1-3 (YOU CANT BLAME THEM OR AT LEAST CHARLES GRANT HE'S 265) Free Agent Running Back former Saint Deuce McCallister also took the pill He will likely not be suspende unless he's picked up within four weeks... There is also a report that he will sign with the 0-16 Detroit Lions,,,, Yes i know they are winless but they had the number 1 pick in draft and he's a good Quarter Back I guess???
Kobe Jumping over a car
It's from last year like in somwheres around September or October I forget but it's cool and it's real life not puppets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIWeEFV59d4
This is not an NBA video or a Kobe and Lebron commercial
It is a commercial you've probably seen it but here it is anyways click on it funny its just what a 7 year old would do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qb0vquRcys
Saturday, May 30, 2009
another funny one
I am PRETTY SURE THAT THIS WILL BE THE LAST ONE!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxdbaJleol4. now wasn't that even less cornier and more funnier... this is pretty cool too even though I don't like lebron it's pretty amazing for anybody it's 80 foot shot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seHq5j1pyAE&feature=rec-HM-r2
Friday, May 29, 2009
Another more funny commercial
Here they are again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQEMPrw6t68 funniest ever
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Another funny commercial
Here's another commercial funnier then the last one's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4VhI4re7Q0
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
funny commercial
I saw theese hilarious commercials on while i was watching am basketball game sunday and monday so i checked you tube again and i found it see for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2B0KHoELug and this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsPndm2ff4Q&feature=related now weren't those funny?
I'm not sure this would work out?

I dont know how it would work out for the rhodes scholar he would have to choose one or another but here it is anyways.
ORLANDO, Fla. – Myron Rolle came to the right place to turn his oversized dreams into reality.
Disney World, the place that proudly proclaims at its gates that it’s “where dreams come true,” has become the backdrop for a 22-year-old man who thinks at once of being a great football player and a neurosurgeon.
Yes, at once. Most people would be happy to be just one in their lifetime. For Rolle, his desires run on a dual track.
Rolle was essentially a three-year starter for the Seminoles.
Such an instance took place Tuesday when Rolle spent two hours training under a high blue Florida sky complete with the typically hot sun that sends Coppertone stock prices soaring. By Rolle’s side is Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes(notes), who is still living off his own dream come true from February’s game-winning TD catch. Both of them take direction from trainer Tom Shaw.
Disney World, the place that proudly proclaims at its gates that it’s “where dreams come true,” has become the backdrop for a 22-year-old man who thinks at once of being a great football player and a neurosurgeon.
Yes, at once. Most people would be happy to be just one in their lifetime. For Rolle, his desires run on a dual track.
Rolle was essentially a three-year starter for the Seminoles.
Such an instance took place Tuesday when Rolle spent two hours training under a high blue Florida sky complete with the typically hot sun that sends Coppertone stock prices soaring. By Rolle’s side is Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes(notes), who is still living off his own dream come true from February’s game-winning TD catch. Both of them take direction from trainer Tom Shaw.
But where Holmes will eventually head back to Pittsburgh to resume his football career, Rolle is putting that part of his life on hold. He’s heading to Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar in September as he takes a year away from the game to chase the neurosurgeon gig. Even as Rolle keeps himself in shape these days, hoping to maintain his status as a first- or second-round pick in the 2010 NFL draft, he has made the medical gig a high priority as well. After a day of training, Rolle has spent afternoons shadowing orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brad Homan at nearby Celebration Hospital. He has gone on rounds and even observed Homan in the operating room.
“I didn’t set that up for Myron,” said Shaw, one of the best-known trainers with a client list featuring the likes of Deion Sanders and Michael Vick(notes). “He did that on his own because he wanted to. Most of the guys I have here, they want to go test drive a car at Richard Petty’s track or go fishing or get on the golf course when they’re done working out. Myron spends his afternoon thinking about what he’s going to do next with his life.
“You’re not talking about somebody who is just driven. You’re talking about somebody who is truly special, the kind of person who becomes a president or a world leader … he’s different.”
In his spare time, Rolle goes on speaking engagements around the country and has worked on developing health programs. This Friday, he’s heading to Madison, Wis., to speak to high school kids. Next week, he’s heading to the Bahamas, where his parents and three of his four brothers were born, to work on a long-term healthcare project.
A week after that, he’s doing a leadership and fitness program for 100 children at Camp Blanding in Starke. Then he heads back to the Bahamas.
“We’re not in any place for too long,” said McKinley, Rolle’s older brother who manages Myron’s busy schedule.
Rolle accepts that fact with a minimal fight. Yeah, he’s smart and he’s not going to pretend otherwise. At the same, he’s not lording his intelligence over anyone and he doesn’t want to be defined by intellect.
“When I was at Florida State, they played up how I was really smart, this brainiac-type of guy, and that was fine,” said Rolle, who graduated from FSU in 2 ½ years as a pre-med student. “But it’s like they would talk about how smart I am and then that was it. I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t want to just be great in that. I want to be known as a great football player, too.’ ”
Rolle has the physical tools for the NFL. Florida State defensive coordinator Mickey Andrews, who has spent 25 years at the school, said last season after playing Miami that Rolle played the most complete game at safety that Andrews had ever seen at FSU. Early in Rolle’s career, Andrews compared Rolle to Sanders in terms of the ability to pick up the nuances of the game. Rolle did that all while balancing the athletic-academic equation the way Einstein worked out E, M and C.
Now, he’s taking the balancing act to a different level and a different country.
While studying for his masters in medical anthropology in London, Rolle plans to work out to maintain his standing in the NFL. In December, he will get a six-week break to return to the United States. That’s when he plans to work out for NFL scouts, coaches and executives in advance of the draft. To be ready, there’s no time off, no wasted moment.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
WOW thats a monster dunk
I dont know how to load videos from you tube. but just click on this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awpUeVeMbtI its awsome and there's this dunk to that happend in new orleans one year ago clik here too its funny and cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO3c8EaxsxQ this guy named dwight howard did it (aka superman- don don da supaman-)
Friday, May 22, 2009
PS3 real or rumor

Is this a redesigned PS3?
Tech blog Engadget scored a scoop last week: these shots of what looks for all the world like a redesigned, slimmer Playstation 3.
Slim and Trim. Rumor or Real?
Are they real? It's hard to tell. Making us think "yes" is the fact that Sony's fond of reissuing its consoles in ever-slimmer form factors -- in fact, the Playstation 3's the only Sony machine never to have had this treatment. The pics are certainly of something that's labeled "PS3," and they're certainly not the current machine. Plus, if that shot of the packaging is fake, someone's gone to a lot of trouble to make it look convincing.
On the other hand, that's not the current PS3 logo. The present machine's logo has the full "Playstation 3" moniker, and in a different font to boot. It's also a little early in the PS3's lifetime for a redesign, if Sony's history is anything to go by. And such a drastic hardware change means new parts, new tools, and new assembly line procedures. Is cash-bleeding Sony, which just posted its first annual net loss in 14 years, really going to go to all that expense over a facelift? The official word from Sony is either no-comment or outright denial, depending on who you ask.
We'd have passed this over as just another rumor, if it wasn't for one thing: Engadget's Japanese wing was issued with a takedown order this week from a "mysterious Chinese company" demanding they remove the pictures. Whatever they're on to, they've got someone rattled.
So is this really a new PS3, or just another of the cheap-and-nasty knockoffs we've seen in the past? If the pics are genuine, we'd expect to see an announcement at a press conference Sony has scheduled for the first week in June. We'll keep you posted.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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